Mind & Body Relaxation: CBD


CBD has been trending for a while now and I didn’t know much about it until about a year ago. Kim Kardashian even had a CBD baby shower, which I thought was cool and weird all into one. But to be quite honest, my husband is in the CBD business and he taught me everything I know: from its’ effectiveness, to the different formats it comes in, to the companies who carry the cleanest vs. most pesticides, etc. One advise: it’s important to read about the brands you come across and make sure they’re reputable companies!

For those of you who have no idea what CBD is, it is short for Cannabidiol, a chemical compound from a plant. Completely different from THC which is the actual high from the Cannabis plant. I know I was personally super confused in the beginning, thinking CBD gets you high (because I knew nothing about marijuana!), not the case. CBD is known to help relax, calm and even relieve pain in joints, muscles, etc. I don’t want to get too deep into it (as there is ton of information online) but did want to share some high level information if you are as oblivious as I was.

I have learned a lot about the CBD world and Topikal is one of very few brands I am a huge fan of. The owner of it actually has arthritis in his hands because he was a swimmer for a very long time; CBD was the only thing (besides meds) that would relieve the pain, so Topikal was born. They have many many products in store including CBD for pets, but here are the products me and my husband particularly love and use. I think everyone needs to have this in their home for when you are feeling pain, physically or mentally!


• CBD Pain Cream: comes in several different CDB mg levels. If you’ve never used CBD before; the lower levels should be just fine. Once your body adjusts to it, you can use a higher mg. I love this for aching muscles after a hard workout. This cream helps with quick localized relief and feels super rich!
• Emu Oil: This is a lot more intense than the cream. If you have pain anywhere; this stuff is effective! Emu oil is known to easily absorb into the skin so the results are quick!

• CBD Oil Drops: These tinctures are meant to be dropped underneath your tongue for quick effectiveness. Unlike topicals, this goes into your blood stream for overall relaxation. I recommend this for anyone who has anxiety/panic attacks! I also love his because it’s base is a Hemp Seed oil and not olive or coconut oil like other brands.

• Bath Bomb: You already know this is my favorite one! I try and make an effort to take a long bath at least once a month (of course when my 9 month old allows me). I love the smell of this and also the little petals it leaves :) but they do come in several different scents. Self-care to the max!


I know it’s hard to buy these online sometimes; but if you’re local to the valley, Topikal has 3 locations, check them out. Or you can visit their website here.